You have considered how to network the Space Station and how to get there but what will it look like inside? During this lesson you need to consider what the entertainment room will be like.
Tell a neighbour five must have features of an entertainment room.
Use SketchUp to draw walls for an entertainment room and add relevant components.
MOST: Also the room will be an irregular shape i.e. not rectangular or circular.
SOME: Also have areas that are higher and lower than ground level.
Now you have used a Computer Aided Design program for designing an entertainment room, you have got the opportunity to refine your skills by designing one of the bedrooms on the Space Station. Think about how you can use space efficiently.
Use SketchUp to draw walls for a bedroom and add relevant components.
MOST: Also the room will be an irregular shape i.e. not rectangular or circular.
SOME: Also have areas that are higher and lower than ground level.
Food for passengers on the Space Station is not free. In this lesson you need to imagine you are a passenger, make choices from the menu and work out how much it will cost each week.
Test a neighbour with Maths problems e.g. Pizza slices cost 50p each and I have five friends, how much would it cost to buy us all a pizza slice?
Choose items from the Space Station Restaurant menu (see below) and enter costs into a spreadsheet.
MOST: Also use the software to total the numbers.
SOME: Also predict annual costs.
TEACHER NOTE: Excel is a program that can open and create spreadsheets but there are others available hence the reference to spreadsheets rather than just Excel.
Welcome to the Space Station Restaurant
We programmed a route for our Space Shuttle, now we are going to program it so we can control it ourselves.
Use the programming blocks to create instructions for controlling the space shuttle.
MOST: Also program the shuttle not to go through the colour grey.
SOME: Also use the repeat and glide functions to move asteroids between pre-defined coordinates.
Collision Detection - Scratch File
In the previous activity you programmed the space shuttle so it could be controlled but would not go through asteroids. This time you need to introduce a penalty for the pilot hitting an asteroid.
Use a variable to keep track of the score.
MOST: Also show a message when the pilot gets to zero.
SOME: Also stop the game and make the shuttle spin round when zero is reached.
Deducting Wages - Scratch File