Client Web Page

Last edited: 24th June 2022

The owner of a website called Thinking Computing would like you to create a single page of information about Operating Systems and the Fetch, Decode, Execute cycle that happens in processors.

5-1-1 Initial Page Design

The owner of a website called Thinking Computing would like you to create a single page of information about Operating Systems and the Fetch, Decode, Execute cycle that happens in processors.

Find three websites you like and tell your neighbour what you like about them. Is it just the content or the design of the website?

Use the provided Bootstrap template and design the initial page - logo, header, colours, layout etc. Copy the whole template folder, use graphics software to edit the header graphic in the img folder. Get students used to editing and refreshing the page.

EXT: Edit the CSS file to change the web page colours.

NOTE: Students will only be doing the design for one page.

5-1-2 Computer Components

The 'Thinking Computing' website would like you to create a page of information it can display on the site. For this lesson you need to research the required information and add it to the page you created last lesson.

Research key computer components such as RAM, processor, hard drive etc. and add the information to the web page already created.

NOTE: Images should be saved in the img folder and linked to, not copy and pasted.

5-1-3 Range of Operating Systems

The Thinking Computing website wants you to add more information to the web page you are creating for them.

Research different Operating Systems and add the information to the web page.

Consider Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems but make the distinction that 'Windows' is not an operating system - it is a brand name - Windows 8 is an OS.

5-1-4 Mini Web Page Evaluation

When undertaking any major project it is important to stop every now and again to reflect on what has been achieved so far.

Evidence work produced so far and review it. Then get a partner to review it. If there's time, make and evidence some of the identified improvements.

5-1-5 Fetch, Decode, Execute Cycle

The Thinking Computing website wants you to add more information to the web page you are creating for them.

Find out about the Fetch, Decode, Execute Cycle that happens inside processors and add the information to the web page.

This lesson is part of the Chameleon Course

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