Clone Stamp Tool - Photoshop

Last edited: 28th September 2021

Image for Editing

Right click, copy image

The Clone Stamp Tool in Photoshop is useful for cloning areas of a picture. This might be to cover something over or duplicate a feature.


Copy the balloons picture above, switch to Photoshop, create a new canvas and paste it.

Choose Clone Stamp from the toolbar on the left.

Once selected, you hold 'Alt' (near the space bar) on the keyboard and choose your target area. This the area you want to use so in the above example, you would hold 'Alt' and click on one of the balloons.

You then let go of 'Alt' and move the mouse to a new area of the page. Left click and paint to clone your chosen area.

The best way to learn it to have a go and practise so you can see what happens.

A video demonstration of using the Clone Stamp Tool

(No audio)

Once you are confident with the basics of the tool, you can experiment with the options for the tool at the top of the screen. You can change the size of the brush etc.

This lesson is part of a Skills Introduction course for Photoshop and the Digiboot Course.

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