Designing and Making Snack Chaser

Last edited: 10th May 2022

Tiger Games is a company that designs and makes computer games using a range of different platforms. They manage the full process from coding and graphics to promotion and selling of a range of games and are always looking for new opportunities. During this assignment you will be asked to complete some tasks for them.

2-1-1 Upgrading the Computer

We are surrounded by technology but the parts are usually put inside a nice case. The other thing to note is that not all components are the same speed/power/size etc. so it is important for you to understand common components to enable you to make better choices when buying things.

Start with the number 1 and keep doubling e.g. 1, 2, 4, 8. How far can you get? Try counting through the doubling sequence with a partner, taking it in turns to say the next number.

Use a word processor to create a single page document with pictures and an explanation of at least three key components in a PC. Titles, pictures, your name, sources quoted?

EXT: Also add a further two components.

EXT: Also recommend suitable upgrade options.

TEACHER NOTE: For the 'SOME' activity, pick any relatively low specification set of components so students have the opportunity to make reasonable suggestions and give reasons. As an example, Core 2 Duo processor, 1GB RAM, 256GB mechanical hard drive, 17 inch monitor etc.

2-1-2 Creating Sprites

The Tiger Games company have nearly finished making their latest 'Snack Chaser' game but need you to design and make the sprites that will be the evil characters.

Write the doubling sequence for 1 to 8 from right to left e.g. 8, 4, 2, 1. Get a partner to turn off some of the numbers (cover with their fingers). What is the total you can see? Take it in turns to test each other. When you find that easy, try adding more numbers to the doubling sequence.

Using paper initially, sketch out design ideas for the evil characters before using a graphics editing program to create them electronically. Does your final product look similar to your design? Does your sprite look good zoomed out?

TEACHER NOTE: Show students a copy of the game they will add their sprites to next lesson.

TEACHER NOTE: The sprite canvass should only be around 100 x 100 pixels.

2-1-3 Finish the Game

Now you have got the sprites from last time, you need to add them to the game and finish off any last minute programming requirements.

State the denary representation of the binary below. Use the first example in the table to help you.

  • 010100 = 20

Now try:

  • 100101
  • 110011
  • 111111

Using the 'Snack Chaser' game provided, add the sprites you created last time and program them to move around and end the game if touched. Does the game end when your character touches them? Do they move along a predefined path?

2-1-4 Collect User Information

Now the game is finished, the boss at Tiger Games has asked if you can create a simple text based program to capture user information and welcome them to the game.

Use Python to ask a user for their name then display a personalised welcome to 'Snack Chaser'. Does the code run error free? Is it indented correctly?

TEACHER NOTE: IDLE is the IDE for Python, a text based programming language students need to be confident with.

TEACHER NOTE: Where it says 'print' you do not physically print the work, it is a programming term which means show it on the screen.

What other simple programs could use the input() and print() functions?

2-1-5 Design the High Score List

The new snack chaser game needs a high score list. You need to understand how a computer can sort entries then design a page to show the high scores.

Watch the Lego Bubble Sort video on YouTube. Explain to a partner what is going on.

Use Word or an alternative DTP program to design a single High Score page. Make the page fit on the screen then step back from your computer - does it still look good?

TEACHER NOTE: This activity is shorter than usual so you can spend a little longer explaining the concept of a Bubble Sort in the Activate.

This lesson is part of the Chameleon Course

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