Exploring the Ocean Floor

Last edited: 15th June 2022

Your preparation for the Ocean Explorer Expedition is going really well. Someone has decided you should create a computer game to promote your expedition and raise money.

3-2-1 Ocean Explorer Game Sprite Design

Count in binary using your fingers.

Use graphics software like Fireworks to create a 100 x 100 pixel sprite of a submarine for the Ocean Explorer. Remember to fill the canvass because it will be zoomed out in the game and will look really tiny if you've only used part of the space available.

TEACHER NOTE: Students will use the Ocean Explorer game template to create a game. It might be helpful to show them a demonstration of the game before they design their sprites so they know what they will be adding them to next lesson.

EXT: Create other game characters using a similar canvass size. Consider drawing fish or other an octopus etc.

3-2-2 Ocean Explorer Game Version 1

Program a partners finger to slide around the table from one destination to another.

Use the Ocean Explorer game template and add your sprites to create a first version.

Does the game work? Are the sprites an appropriate size?

3-2-3 Game Testing

Testing is a very important part of game development - now you have made a first draft you need to test it and make a note of any required improvements.

Create a simple test table then make the identified improvements.

Is your test specific and measurable? Have you tested a range of features?

TEACHER NOTE: Students should create a simple test table (headings below) then test the game they have created so far. Their game so far should have the sprites they created themselves.

TEACHER NOTE: A test table should include the following headings: Test Name; Test Description; Test Outcome; Evidence of Improvements Made.

3-2-4 Finish Making the Game

You have made a first draft of your game and tested it. You now need to make any final adjustments so it is the best you can make it.

Improve the Ocean Explorer game based on testing and feedback.

Are there any bugs or glitches?

3-2-5 Ocean Explorer Evaluation

Now your game is finished, you need to produce a presentation about your creation. This will be presented to the people leading the Ocean Explorer expedition.

Use screenshots and WWW/EBI to evaluate your game and present the results.

Have you said what is good about your game and what could be improved as well as including screenshot evidence?

This lesson is part of the Chameleon Course

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