Introduction to using ICT

Last edited: 7th August 2024

These activities are about introducing students to logging in at school and building confidence and familiarity with systems. It is written for use in a school that uses Microsoft 365.

Each lesson combines logging on and system familiarity with another activity. Timings will vary dependent on the group. As a guide, the logging on and system familiarity is the priority, the presentations/research are holding activities.

Lesson 1 - Get Logged In


  • Can log on and change password
  • Know own school email address, NOT THE SHORTCUT
  • Start an 'All about me' presentation

Explain the structure of the school email. Practise recall. Practise logging on and off a few times.

Create an 'All About Me' presentation. Start with Lesson 1. Save if possible but whether there is time will depend on the group so do not stress too much.

Lesson 2 - All About Me


  • Can log on independently
  • Know own school email address, NOT THE SHORTCUT
  • Can access OneDrive
  • Can create a folder

Practise logging on and off a couple of times and do some whole class checking for accurate recall of the full email address.

Continue the 'All About Me' presentation. If they did not manage to save it last time, start a fresh document and start again with Lesson 1.

Once everyone is logged on and settled and doing their presentation, you can introduce using using the browser 'Edge' to access OneDrive. Demonstrate opening it and explain how they can access their files. When in school they can also access their documents locally but for now stick with demonstrating the online access.

Use OneDrive to create the missing folders from this folder structure: Documents --> Computing --> Digiboot

Once created, save or move the presentation to the correct folder then continue adding to it until the end of the lesson. This is a good time to move round the classroom talking to students about their presentations and getting to know them if you have not already been doing this.

NOTE: Next lesson moves on to E-Safety, students do not finish all the 'All About Me' lessons at this point in the course.

Lesson 3 - E-Safety Introduction


  • Can log on independently
  • Know own school email address, NOT THE SHORTCUT
  • Can access OneDrive, Outlook and Teams
  • Can access Edulink

NOTE: We do not formally follow all the lessons available in the 'All About Me' sequence. It can be used as a filler/extension activity plus will be re-visited later in the course.

Practise logging on and off a couple of times and do some whole class checking for accurate recall of the full email address.

Using Edge to access Outlook, Teams, OneDrive. Today is an introduction only to knowing how to access them, they will be covered in more detail at a later date.

Start an ‘E-Safety’ presentation. Save it in the 'Digiboot' folder.

Once started, introduce accessing Microsoft 365 from home and also Edulink.

Lesson 4 - More E-Safety

Continue E-Safety lessons.

Lesson 5 - Final Points

Finalise E-Safety lessons and presentation.

Lesson 6 - E-Safety Assessment

Discuss/refresh points about E-Safety then complete the given assessment.

NOTE: The assessment is not currently available from this website.

This lesson is part of the Digiboot Course

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