Market Research

Last edited: 24th June 2022

Nene Park Academy have asked you to do some market research on student perceptions of their website.

5-2-1 Student Questionnaire Part 1

You have been asked to do some market research on the Nene Park Academy website.

Warm up with paired hexadecimal counting.

Use Python to create a questionnaire asking students how they use the Nene Park Academy website and their opinions about it.

You should use variables, input() and print() functions.

5-2-2 Student Questionnaire Part 2

You need to continue developing your program for market research.

Play the '21 Counting Game'.

In small groups, one person starts counting and says up to three numbers e.g. they might say "1, 2" then the person on their left continues the sequence and can say either one, two or three numbers so might say "3, 4, 5" and it continues round the circle.

The person that says '21' is out so people in the group might adjust how many numbers they say to ensure it doesn't land on them.

Finish the questionnaire and test it on students. Is it possible to save the results as a text file?

5-2-3 Student Questionnaire Presentation

You were asked to create a questionnaire for collecting feedback about the NPA website. The Head would like you to create a presentation about it so he can decide which to use.

Tell a partner everything you know about programming then list as many programmable devices you know.

Create a presentation for the Head Teacher about your survey - how you programmed it and what sort of information you will be able to find out. Make sure you explain each of the functions used so they can understand your code.

  • Description
  • Code used
  • input() explanation
  • print() explanation
  • Questions asked
  • Responses so far

5-2-4 Survey in Action

Complete the survey with a range of people and collect your data.

Analyse and look for patterns in your data.

5-2-5 Present Survey Results

Create and prepare to deliver a formal presentation about your findings from your market research.

This lesson is part of the Chameleon Course

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