Movies for children - website project

Last edited: 2nd February 2022

Use the website template from the Getting Started with Web Design page to create a website with recommended movies for children.

Lesson 1

After extracting the template and moving it out of Downloads, start by editing the title and changing some of the cheesy bake pictures in the mini gallery on the index page. Choose appropriate movies for children.

Lesson 2

Duplicate another-page.html and rename the copy as one of your chosen movies. Add a hyperlink from the gallery image to this page then change the content to be about the movie.

Lesson 3

Aim for quality rather than quantity. Edit gallery.html as well as index.html with the aim of having four movie thumbnails in the gallery plus their corresponding pages.

Lesson 4

Experiment with changing classes and styles to develop the theme of your website. Also create new hero images for your pages to make it look more professional.

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