Planning Comp Town

Last edited: 24th June 2022

Comp Town is a new town that has been proposed and has got permission to be built subject to plans being approved. You have been asked to help with the planning and design of the town so we look forward to seeing what ideas you come up with!

4-1-1 Town Research

Comp Town has been proposed as a new town and you have been asked to help with the planning and designing of it. Before planning and designing it is best to do some research to find out what is required.

In two's or three's brainstorm everything you can think of that a new town would need. Each group must send at least one person to write one idea on the main board.

Research and create a presentation about things a town might require (e.g. school) and search for basic information such as requirements and possible ideas of how it might look.

4-1-2 House Plans

Following the research you did, you now need to come up with more specific details for the houses.

With a partner and scrap paper, get them to draw a house exactly as you describe BUT YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO LOOK WHILE THEY ARE DRAWING. Have they drawn what you imagined?

Using SketchUp or a suitable alternative, create a 3D model of a house that you think should be built in Comp Town. If you are unsure, you can follow either Part 1 or Part 2 of the Getting Started with SketchUp tutorials.

4-1-3 Connectivity for the Town

The Internet is used in so many aspects of our lives so it is important we plan good connectivity for the new town.

Why is it important to stay safe online? What are some of the ways you stay safe online?

Research different ways of connecting to a network including wireless, wired and mobile.

In pairs, one person argue the benefits of Internet access and the other argue the problems with having it.

4-1-4 Python House Design v1

As a bit of fun you have been challenged to write the code for a simple house using Python and Turtle.

Using Python, import Turtle and write the code for drawing a simple 2D house. You can use code from the Python course on this website to help you get started.

You might need pen.up(), pen.goto() and pen.down() but the important thing is to investigate and stick with it.

Next lesson will be a chance to evidence and explain what you have produced.

4-1-5 Python House Design v2

This lesson continues from last lesson. You need to add some finishing touches to your code then present your evidence to prove whether you have met the challenge or not.

A small part of the lesson can be given to reviewing and tweaking code from last week.

The main part of the lesson is about students evidencing their code. They should use screenshots and write explanations. They may want to use #comments in their code as well. They should not just put a zoomed out picture with a comment like 'Here is my code.' They need to show they understand the code they have written.

Teacher led whole class review of a piece of code - can students explain individual parts as well as sections? Can they predict what the code will draw?

This lesson is part of the Chameleon Course

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