Preparing for the Expedition

Last edited: 15th June 2022

An expedition with the aim of exploring an unknown part of the sea bed in the Caribbean has been agreed and you have been asked to organise it. You will need to research about the trip and make any necessary preparations.

3-1-1 Plan your Submarine

You are going to explore the ocean so you need to design your submarine and plan a list of things to take with you.

Starter: Draw a fish using graphics software.

Use SketchUp to design a submarine then use a word processor to write a list of things to take on a journey under the sea. Is the submarine big enough for everyone and everything? Have you considered entertainment as well as essentials?

TEACHER NOTE: Getting the curved edges in Sketchup can be tricky so focus on using different techniques to get an artistic representation of a submarine rather than an accurate reproduction.

3-1-2 Program Monitoring Systems

On the submarine you will be using, there are lots of automated safety systems that need programming. You will use psedocode to tell someone how you want them programming.

Practise counting to 20 in hexadecimal notation. When comfortable with the sequence, students could try counting round in groups or taking it in turns to say the next number with a partner.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 10 11 12 13 14

Use a word processor, DTP package or graphics software to write the pseudocode for a monitoring system on your submarine.

Does the code make sense? Think of different values and follow the logic of your code to see what the outcome is.

TEACHER NOTE: Decide how much choice you will give your group - you may find it appropriate to get everyone to write pseudocode for the same system first.

TEACHER NOTE: Pseudocode just means represent the logic of a program with boxes, arrows etc. and terms such as 'if', 'else', 'go to', 'greater than', 'less than'.

TEACHER NOTE: Example systems include fire sensors, pressure sensors, oxygen monitor, battery monitor, collision detection etc. I'm not a submariner so feel free to use your imagination!

3-1-3 Expedition Budget

Using a piece of paper or drawing program, draw six dots and join them up with a line so they are all connected. Repeat the activity but join them in a different way. Try to get a ring, line, star, bus and fully connected set of dots.

Electronic devices can be connected in those ways so they can communicate with each other or access the Internet.

Use a spreadsheet to write a list of requirements and costs for the expedition under the ocean. Does the spreadsheet add up the numbers?

TEACHER NOTE: This activity can be adapted to your group by changing how many items are required or how they are organised. If you are feeling adventurous you could have different categories on different worksheets then have a summary worksheet that collects up all the totals!

How much funding do you need? Where might you get the money from?

3-1-4 Things to Look Out For

Word association tennis linked to submarines. Bonus points if you can link to technology on submarines.

Use a search engine to collect appropriate information and present it using a word processor.

Have you got a picture, information and link for three or more ocean creatures?

TEACHER NOTE: This is an internet research task - choose how you would like your class to structure their work. You can also decide which parts of the ocean to focus on (open, deep, coral etc.)

What is the weirdest deep sea creature you can find a picture of?

3-1-5 Draw a Starfish

Remind yourself how to count to 21 in hexadecimal notation (there is a reminder in the Activate of 3-1-2). In small groups count round saying 1, 2, or 3 of the next numbers in the sequence. The person that says the hexadecimal equivalent of 21 (15) loses.

Use the Turtle module of Python to draw a star.

TEACHER NOTE: If you are not sure what to do, use the Turtle instructions from Draw a square with less code - Python

This lesson is part of the Chameleon Course

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