Promoting and Selling Snack Chaser

Last edited: 13th May 2022

Your work for Tiger Games has been noticed and appreciated so much so that there are some more tasks for you. In this assignment, among other things, you need to promote Snack Chaser and work out profit/loss.

2-2-1 User Feedback and Improvements

User feedback is really important - you might think your game is awesome but there might be simple things you can do to make it even more awesome!

Starter: Count in binary using your fingers.

Use a word processing program to create a questionnaire with at least five questions to find out what someone thinks about the game you made. Are there at least five questions? Is there a mixture of open and closed questions? Can the game be improved using the answers you've got?

TEACHER NOTE: Students should think about the type of questions that will give useful information and should constrain their work to a single page. When the questionnaire is complete students should use it to get feedback about their Snack Chaser game.

2-2-2 Promo Poster

It doesn't matter how amazingly well programmed a game is, if people do not know about it they will not buy it or play it.

Use a DTP program to create a single page poster advertising Snack Chaser. Use a good mix of text and graphics. Is there a good balance of text and graphics. If you step back five paces does your poster still look good?

2-2-3 Profit and Loss

The company you work for has made Snack Chaser, promoted it and is now selling it. You need to help them predict whether they will make a profit or loss.

Use spreadsheet software to put financial information about Snack Chaser down and make predictions. Is the spreadsheet laid out effectively? Is it formatted well? Do the calculations work?

TEACHER NOTE: There is no single correct answer for this activity. The information required is called 'Snack Chaser Sales' at the bottom of this page.


  1. Make a Graph that shows only month and Profit for each month – this needs to be a bar chart
  2. Make a Graph that shows only month and Sales for each month – this needs to be a bar chart
  3. Compare the two charts – What is the difference between your profit and your sales
  4. How do you work out profit?
  5. How do you work out sales?
  6. What does costs – sales give you?
  7. What does price*games sold give you?

Do you predict a profit or loss? What factors might affect the final total? Discuss the term 'modelling' in the context of spreadsheets.

2-2-4 Python Questionnaire

Use Python to create a questionnaire script.

After designing and making Snack Chaser, you have promoted it and worked out whether it will make a profit or loss. Now you need to write a program to collect user feedback about the game.

Starter: Use an ASCII to binary table to write your name using binary. 01000111 01101111 01101111 01100100 00100000 01101100 01110101 01100011 01101011

Create a program using Python that collects user feedback about Snack Chaser and displays a summary at the end. Ask someone to test your program. Does it display an accurate summary of their answers?

TEACHER NOTE: Students to use IDLE (Python) to write a short program asking the user for answers to questions requesting feedback about Snack Chaser.

2-2-5 Create a Programming Guide

Write a short guide for a Year 6 student telling them how to program the key elements of the Snack Chaser game.

Explaining something to another person is a good way of checking whether you actually understand it. You need to understand how to make a game using Scratch so can you explain it to someone?

Use word processing software to produce an instructional guide for using variables and loops when creating a game using Scratch. Can someone follow the instructions and make a character move from one place to another? Can they create a variable to keep track of the score?

TEACHER NOTE: Snack Chaser was made and has been referred to several times already - if you have not been following the sequence feel free to choose another game or program.

This lesson is part of the Chameleon Course

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